The Entertainer Blogger Award

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Thank you Kirsty for nominating me! 😀


  • Write a post with the award picture.
  • Nominate 12 other bloggers who are funny, inspiring, and, most important of all, ENTERTAINING!
  • Add these rules to the post.
  • Thank the person who nominated you and leave a link to their blog!
  • Also, answer these questions down below!
1. Why did you start a blog in the first place?
I originally started this blog (first was my bookstagram to get myself acclimated to the book community and to learn more about it) but to help people find some new books that they would have never read before. Sure everyone will post reviews about all the super popular books out on the market – I do it too, but I also like to tell people about those books that don’t get recognized.
2. What is your favourite book?
Harry Potter hands down. Thinking about that I really need to reread the series again. Its been a couple years since I’ve read them. I also love Where the Red Fern Grows
3. What do you dislike the most?
People who don’t take the time of day for others.

4. What is your favourite food item from the mall?

I don’t usually eat at the mall but probably the falafel shop or Panda Express.

5. What is your favourite pastime?

Reading, playing with my cat, and drinking coffee.

12 people is a lot, and I don’t think I interact with that many people on here – yet. So here is who I nominate:

One thought on “The Entertainer Blogger Award

  1. transhaan says:

    Thank you for the nomination!! 😀 And yes that’s true your reason for starting this blog is very important because I think everybody discovers different books on their own. Yes we read the same popular ones but the gems in our bookshelves often come from unexpected discoveries!


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